Category Archives: Adopt-A-Trail

October Adopt-A-Trail Run

A group of NAXJA members and I did maintenance on 2N49 and 2N04 this past weekend.  I didn’t take nearly enough photos, here are a few that I did take:

David and Johnny work on brushing the 2N49C spur.

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Arrastre Shooting Area Cleanup

I’ve been meaning to get a group to clean up the Arrastre Shooting Area for months.  Irresponsible shooters have left a large amount of target debris on the range but each time we would attempt to clean it up there would be active shooters there (sometimes when it was marked as closed).  Finally in September we were able to clean it up.  Dave and Yosh from Transharoo joined my father and I on this cleanup.  While we weren’t able to get everything we did make a dent in it.

This run also served as test run on the newly repaired M100.

While it’s clearly work it feel good to put hours into the Adopt-A-Trail program.

USFS M100 Repair

One of the other clubs posted in the Adopt-A-Trail forum that the USFS-owned M100 used by various Adopt-A-Trail groups was out of service due to unsafe tires.  I spoke with NAXJA and we decided to repair this.  Since I’ve got a soft spot for 1/4 ton trailers I spearheaded this project. Continue reading

Category: Adopt-A-Trail, Projects

June Adopt-A-Trail Maintenance

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We heard some reports of trees down on 2N49 so I mobilized a crew to correct that. While we were up there we hit 2N04 to check on it.

Down she goes

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