DR350 Workdays, Part I

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Boy I haven’t been doing a very good job at keeping this updated.

On Sunday I finished buttoning up the engine so I could maybe ride this “new” bike.

Since I tend to buy my oil by the gallon I needed an easy way to measure how much oil was going into the bike so I could have a nice baseline with this new unfamiliar machine. Off to Amazon I went. When the package arrived Holly asked if I was going Walter White on her…

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Category: DR350, Projects

DR350 Engine Assembly

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I got home from a day in my San Diego office a little earlier than expected so I got some DR time in.

This small pile represents about $250.  I marked all the little bags to make identification easier.

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Category: DR350, Projects

DR350 Magneto Cover

My DR had the commonly over tightened crankshaft nut cover issue. Mine was bad enough that I couldn’t get the plug to move at all before the hex head completely stripped out.

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Category: DR350, Projects

DR350 Cylinder Head

So as you may recall I just bought my DR350S only to immediately tear it down. A previous owner stripped one of the four bolts on the cylinder head cover over the camshaft. These bores are under positive oil pressure so it will produce a sizable oil leak.

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Category: DR350, Projects

DR350 Legally Mine!

Went down to the AAA. $127 later it’s mine and now legal to ride on the road!

Category: DR350, Projects

DR350 Engine, Dashboard Mockup

A bit of time spent in the garage tonight on busy work.

I started out by cleaning off most of the carbon from the cylinder head and piston. A friend of mine suggested using CLP (gun oil), that worked great even for a lazy bastard like me. After that I removed the clutch to check it out then cleaned the clutch cover mating surfaces.

Top of head is ready to start work on the stripped out bolt hole, I just need to find my M6x1 heli coil kit (I know exactly where it is… Almost).

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Category: DR350, Projects