We heard some reports of trees down on 2N49 so I mobilized a crew to correct that. While we were up there we hit 2N04 to check on it.
I’ve had this old Italian moped sitting in my shed or garage for about the past fifteen years, I decided a good Fathers’ day project was to tear it down and poke at it with aims to get it running well again, not exactly a restoration as I have no plans to paint it at this time. I’ll update this as I do stuff but don’t expect quick progress on this little pet project.
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When I bought the KLR back in July Josh included the old tank shrouds with the bike. The only problem is they had been torn off a few times and were in pretty bad shape. This weekend I finally got around to mounting them back to the bike.
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Mojave Road, one hundred thirty-odd miles of dirt that bisects the Mojave National Preserve and offers a spectacular visit to the beauty of our desert and history. This is a trail that we almost lost due to the Mojave Preserve and Wilderness areas. I ran this trail again this past weekend with LOST Jeeps SoCal.
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After some recent drama with a bad battery and no time to deal with the warrantee I ended up with a spare Optima Red Top. After a bit of thought I decided to toss it in the truck.

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