Winching the Widow Maker

Here is a video of me winching a widow maker tree that was hanging over 2N49.  This tree fell in a recent wind storm and left a large, heavy portion hung up in the canopy of another tree directly over the trial.  It was a high priority to take this remnant down before it fell on its own.

To remove it I used my Warn M800 winch, chain (only use chain when working with static loads, not shock loads like vehicle-to-vehicle recovery), and snatch blocks.  I then cut the tree branches with an axe and winched the tree to the side of the trail.


Category: Adopt-A-Trail, Red Jeep

One comment on “Winching the Widow Maker

  1. […] that we were done with that it was time to go do the primary goal for the day.  When I cleared the Windowmaker tree a few weeks back I was unable to take clear some more issues because I was alone and there was snow […]

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